Ainbo Spirit Of The Amazon - Ainbo Runner Game
Amazon was in trouble a monster attack on the Amazon and only help of the Gold Arrow can kill the monster then, Ainbo going to find the Gold Arrow but the path (road) was very bad where the Gold Arrow was so mush holes in the path. If Ainbo was going on the way himself she drops in the hole. But you can help her to going on the path and find the Arrow. When you see the hole on the screen then mover left and right side for save them. See the road very carefully and jump when you see the hole you can also do slate on hole. Hold on the mobile screen and drag left if you want to go left and if you want to go right drag your finger right and go on right side. Collect the booster for more speed and high jump.
• 100% Free for play.
• Easy to render the path.
• This Game consumes a very low space of your device storage.
• You can move step by step.
• Easy to retry.
• Easy to share your high score with your friends and Ainbo Cartoon fans and lovers.
We hope you can find the trick and strategy after playing the game. The game is easy if you give them time. Make high score and share with your friends.
Good Luck!
This game has nothing to do with cartoons or cartoon games, we are not cartoon makers and we don't claim their relationship.
We aren't affiliated with the owners of Ainbo games.
If you feel there's a copyright infringement or direct trademark that doesn't follow the "fair use" guidelines, contact us directly, Thanks...
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